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Cellulite Treatments

Cellulite is commonly caused by a buildup of fat underneath the skin that becomes more visible as you get older. Mainly, it is due to the skin losing elasticity and becoming thinner. Over time it will expose the rippled deposits of fat and fibrous tissue underneath your skin.

Anti-Aging Clinic Burlington Cellulite Treatments

Anti Aging Clinic has several treatments that can remove lumpy fat deposits. You only have to make an appointment to determine the best cellulite treatment.

Here are some of the treatments that you can choose from:

Infrared Devices

Infrared light therapy is the most effective non-invasive cellulite treatment. It also has the least side effects for rejuvenating and reducing the overall circumference measurements of your body.

Recent studies demonstrate the long-term effectiveness of and skin benefits of infrared light in cellulite reduction. It is safe, mild, and gentle. More importantly, it does not hurt or burn your skin. Instead, it helps improve the appearance of your skin as well as contribute to overall health.\

Infrared light is suitable for all skin types and most body parts, including hips, waist, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, upper arms, hands, forehead, neck, chin, and crow’s feet.

The red light & infrared rays are proven to boost blood circulation, providing more nutrients and blood to your skin. It helps boost collagen and elastin production reversing collagen breakdown typical to cellulite, fixing damaged and dull skin, and improving skin firmness. The Infrared heat also improves lymphatic drainage, beneficial to any cellulite treatment to prevent swelling. Besides, when your body absorbs infrared light, your health and skin will improve, and the light will break down fat more effectively and faster.

EMS Devices

Electrical Muscle Stimulation or EMS devices are used for muscle motor nerves stimulation with low voltage electrical currents. Aside from stimulating muscle growth, EMS technology also works on other soft tissues like fat cells, making it a good cellulite treatment option. Weekly workouts with EMS devices will reduce these stubborn fat cells, improving your blood circulation. Generally, it effectively reduces fat stores from your waist, hips, and buttocks and firms your underlying muscles, making it the best ‘cellulite buster’.

Slim Body Devices

Many studies prove that these slim body devices help reduce the fat layer by 13%, waist circumference by 2-4 cm, and rejuvenate the skin. Usually, they are available online, and they are safe, portable, easy to operate,  non-scarring, and cheaper than other cellulite reduction or removal treatments.

Creams & Serum

Skin-firming creams and serums, although effective, can only provide minimal and temporary effects. These creams are used for tightening the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, creams and serum are the least effective among the available cellulite treatments, achieving only minimal and temporary effects.

Creams and serum ingredients typically include Caffeine: a vasoconstrictor, Retinol: vitamin A that increases collagen production and thickens your skin; Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE): a natural antioxidant that plumps and firms your skin through muscle contractions stimulations. Most of the time, these treatments are combined with another cellulite treatment.

Cellulite Removal or Reduction Devices in Ontario

There are many cellulite treatment devices and options out there that claim to make your lumpy fat deposits disappear. Here are some of the common devices that could lay claim to being the “best cellulite treatment” available for you.


Vellashape is a handheld device that uses infrared light to reduce fat layers and shape the body. It is best combined with massage suction or mechanical massage to increase lymphatic drainage while reducing the fat cells and fat chamber’s actual sizes. This device is FDA-approved and effective on the butt, abdomen, thighs, and back of the thighs.

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Foam Roll

Foam rolling can be more beneficial after working out. It does not only relieves tension in your muscles but also excellent for cellulite reduction. Although it is not a permanent solution, this device helps break down the fascia under your skin, which causes the fat to lay flat instead of building the dimpled effect. Besides, the device helps plump your skin and mask the appearance of cellulite naturally.

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Vaser Laser

Vaser laser cellulite treatment is used with the combination of ultrasound, warming up the tissue, and vacuum-assisted lymphatic massage. This device is used to promote metabolism, remove toxins, and fats from your body. Generally, it sucks out lumpy fat deposits and tightens your skin simultaneously.

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